
Zack, Fri 30 May 2014, Misc

Automatic selection of FE recordings

Matlab scripts to perform the Windowed Fast Fourier Transform on Force-Extension data from AFM experiments can be downloaded here.

Please contact Piotr Marszalek or Zackary Scholl for the full repository of FE recordings. The full repository recordings will be made available online as soon as they are published. A partial repository of AFM force-extension recordings can be downloaded from here. This repository currently contains 10 nonspecific recordings, 3 SNase recording, 3 Ni6C/Ni10C recordings, 21 I27 recordings (various numbers of unfolded repeats), and 3 blank recordings. These recordings are to serve as a way to test methods to automate the detection of force peaks and evaluation of usable data.

If you use these recordings for your own purposes, please cite the respective works that collected the data:

SNase data

NI6C Data

NI10C data